Is your dog a prim and proper lady around dogs and humans she’s just met? Is he a gentleman at the dog park? Or could Fido’s manners use a tune-up? When it comes to successfully interacting with other canines and humans, socialization is key. Of course, the best time...
We’ve all been there, need to give your dog a bath—They came in from playtime stinking to high heaven and it’s a bath emergency. Maybe they rolled in the mud and now resembles a swamp monster, or perhaps they found something particularly foul to roll around in....
Our dogs are more than just pets—they’re part of our family. They’re our constant companions, our exercise partners, our enthusiastic playmates, and even our coworkers. Well, maybe not that last one. But, if we could, most of us would probably jump at the chance to...
When it comes to caring for our dogs, we’re used to the hours of brushing, the baths, the nail clipping, and even the teeth brushing. But the one task that’s often overlooked is ear cleaning. Most vets recommend making it a normal part of routine care to help our dogs...
As dogs age, their needs change—just like ours do. If dog daycare has been your longtime solution for when you’re away from home and your pup for long periods of time during the day, or if it’s a new thing you’re trying out, you might be wondering at what age your dog...
When you head off on vacation, packing everything you’ll need for the trip is an essential step. You’ll need toiletries, clothes, shoes, electronics… And since going on vacation often means boarding our dogs, we have one more thing to make sure we don’t forget:...
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