Top Swimming Safety Tips for Your Dog

Top Swimming Safety Tips for Your Dog

Preparing Your Pup for Their First Time in the Water Lucky Dog Bark & Brew helps pet owners prepare their pups for a safe and fun first swimming experience in this blog post. We cover: Can all dogs swim? Five swimming safety tips for your dog, including. When the...
How to Get Rid of Your Dog’s Bad Breath for Good!

How to Get Rid of Your Dog’s Bad Breath for Good!

Did you know dental hygiene is as important for your dog as it is for you? It is! And without regular care and cleanings, most dogs will show signs of canine periodontal disease by the time they turn three years old. The most common early indicator of this pervasive...
6 Tips to Socialize Your Dog Easily and Effectively

6 Tips to Socialize Your Dog Easily and Effectively

Is your dog a prim and proper lady around dogs and humans she’s just met? Is he a gentleman at the dog park? Or could Fido’s manners use a tune-up? When it comes to successfully interacting with other canines and humans, socialization is key. Of course, the best time...